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The Rise of the Iliri

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Ogun -
Northern Continent

Reference Map for Iliri settlement

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​Colored Iliran Tattoos

There are no set colors to make something "right." The Iliri use color to add feeling to the words. The colors are your choice, and make your meaning unique. Choose what you want.

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Iliri Color Meanings

If you have ever wondered what the colors mean in Iliri stories - here is a reference guide for you to use.

Iliri Color Meaning

Iliri Glossary

The Iliran language is a constantly evolving one.  The letters p, j, q, and the combinations of th, ch, sh, and ph are not native to the original language but have slowly become used through the association with humans.  Due to the inability of humans to understand pack hierarchy, many new titles have been created to aid in interspecies and international relations.


ahnam: first

ahnor:  first mate; also a title for the Kaisae's husband (capitalized when used as a title)

ahvir:  eternally

aitae:  help

akerna:  dam or birthmother, does not imply a relationship nor exclude one

alous:  always

amma:  mother or mom

ankan:  spread

arhha:  north 

Arhhawen:  North Wind

arn:  and

arzionah:  evening

ast:  are

aufrio:  grey, typically used to describe a color pattern on grauori

aussah:  thank you

auxec:  save

avixa:  tell

ayamae:  help me

ayati:  the nature of things, fate, and used as slang to mean joy/happiness

bax:  earn

berrn:  leave

brerror:  loner or outcast from society

bynor:  eleventh mate; also a title for the Kaisae's husband (capitalized when used as a title)

ca:  with

canzara:  distance (away)

cenla:  slate

cessivi:  soulmate; and a title for a partner bonded in such a manner

cinnor:  fourth mate; also a title for the Kaisae's husband (capitalized when used as a title)

corvae:  love

dargo:  dominate

dava:  father

denn:  home

denwar:  blocks

derc:  two

dernor:  second mate; also a title for the Kaisae's husband (capitalized when used as a title)

derza:  right

dregor:  sire or birthfather, does not imply a relationship nor exclude one

dru:  you (plural)

e:  the or to, depending on how used

ed:  be

edst:  is

einay:  they

gan:  does

gar:  my 

gara: most often translated as "uncle", but refers to a male pack member or caretaker, not related to the child.  Used as a term of endearment.

garn:  mine

gavwor:  father-in-law; can be used as a title of respect

gehwah:  show

genause:  soul or direction of one's life path 

gern:  do 

gerus:  those grauori deemed successful enough to contribute to the species and allowed to breed; implies respect

gernor: ninth mate; also a title for the Kaisae's husband (capitalized when used as a title)

grae:  know

gru:  babies

grunae:  pup

ihrend:  word

il:  you

ilnae: an iliri child

ilus: derived from the grauori idea of proving one's worth, now used as a title of respect similar to sir or ma'am

inurga:  wrong

Kaeen: female leader of Viraenova

kai:  her

kaisae:  leader (female); one of the four genders of iliri, when capitalized it refers to the chosen female ruler of the species

kaisor:  leader (male); a title created to show respect to Blaec Doll

kaizen:  leaders or rulers (plural)

kalargi:  brother

kanae:  his

kanna:  name

kano:  he 

kauvwae:  grandmother

kernor: sixth mate; also a title for the Kaisae's husband (capitalized when used as a title)

khemma:  daughter

kierna:  she

koleri:  sister

laetus:  reverence

lannae (lannar):  emotional sex, to make love

liall:  dog

lor:  for 

loura:  missed

lursarati:  devil or demon, a personification of evil

lynnor: thirteenth mate; also a title for the Kaisae's husband (capitalized when used as a title)

lyrva:  revenge

maargra:  grauori soldier, literally means "one who protects"

maast:  bloodlust, can be used as a profanity

maerte:  the meat derived from humans

moxero:  bravery

nacione:  white, often used to describe a color pattern on grauori

nas:  not

nee:  please

nieur:  die

novi:  new

onsa:  same

onsyc:  homosexual or pansexual gender of iliri

Orassae:  grauori queen, literally means "leader of the people"

ortas:  intelligence

raergah:  respect

raewar:  strength of the pack, recently made into a title for military leadership

rafrezzi:  gold, typically used to describe a color pattern on grauori

rahdreg:  pride

raz:  stop

rocrra: force

rornnae (rornnar):  carnal sex for physical pleasure, to fuck

rylnor: eighth mate; also a title for the Kaisae's husband (capitalized when used as a title)

sadava:  adopted father

sae:  I 

sahn:  us

sahna:  we

settivo:  place

sevic:  hunt

sinna:  this

sivex:  friend, not to be confused with acquaintance which has no specific word

suma:  that

sussa:  need

sylnor:  seventh mate; also a title for the Kaisae's husband (capitalized when used as a title)

taunor:  third mate; also a title for the Kaisae's husband (capitalized when used as a title)

tola:  all

umso:  submit

unes:  where

va:  am

vaera:  life

van:  will

vargwar:  voice, recently made into a title for an official translator

vau:  have

vau:  was

vaun:  are (plural)

verg:  freeze

viernor:  fifth mate; also a title for the Kaisae's husband (capitalized when used as a title)

yllnor:  tenth mate; also a title for the Kaisae's husband (capitalized when used as a title)

wen:  wind

wohanna:  honor

wona:  true

xernor: twelfth mate; also a title for the Kaisae's husband (capitalized when used as a title)

xie:  ridge

za:  of  

za:  what

zan na:  slang equivalent to "of course"

zar:  in

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