Behind the Words

Most authors felt a calling. So many people will tell you they always wanted to write a book. Yep, I’m not one of them. I also wasn’t the child who always had a story ready. Sure, I had an active imagination, but it was always framed as a question.

Usually, the same question over and over:

“What if…?”

​I asked questions that other people couldn’t understand, let alone answer. It boiled inside me, most often manifesting as little more than typical childhood rebellion.​

Until it wasn’t. Somewhere along the way, I learned to play the game, to fit in, to be exactly what everyone said I should be. I gave up the daydreams and settled down for the reality of life, thinking of little more than paychecks and mortgages. I stopped reading, drawing, dancing, and making music. Society said it was time to be responsible, and that meant giving up the arts.  

Until once again, I dared to ask, “What if?”

​It all came rushing back to me with the force of teen emotions and shelves flooded with paperback friends. I had a story brewing and it was based on that one simple question.  

I started writing because no one was telling my story. The heroes were always too good, too perfect, too implausible. That doesn’t mean they can’t be good people, but I wanted to see something different.

Now I can’t stop. From strong women to kind men, humans to aliens, I enjoy pushing the stereotypes and looking at what lies under the surface of a good story.